Pet Gazette Winter 2025 Newsletter
Pawsitive News you can use!!!
With cold weather upon us, the countdown to spring has definitely begun! In this Winter edition of the Pet Gazette you will find current and upcoming events, our adoption numbers at a glance, and adoption education.
We could NOT do this without your support. Thank you to all our donors and adoption families!

Upcoming Events

February 8th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
March 1st – Rural King 10am-4pm
March 8th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
March 24th-30th – PetSmart National Adoption Week
April 5th – Rural King 10am- 4pm
April 5th-6th Shelter Slumber Party
April 12th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
May 3rd – Rural King 10am-4pm
May 10th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
June 7th – Rural King 10am-4pm
June 14th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
July 5th – Rural King 10am-4pm
July 12th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
August 2nd – Rural King 10am-4pm
August 9th – PetSmart 10-am-2pm
September 6th – Rural King 10am-4pm
September 13th – PetSmart 10am-2pm
September 25th-27th BBQ on the River
Join Us for a Slumber Pawty!
How the Pawty Works:
The Shelter Slumber Pawty is a collaborative fundraising event that brings together animal welfare organizations to raise funds and awareness.
Each year, hundreds of animal lovers from across the globe spend ONE ENTIRE DAY living side-by-side with shelter animals. That’s right! Participants spend 24 hours eating, sleeping, and “pawtying” with shelter pets! Participants share their experience on social media while asking for donations from friends and family.
While fundraising is an important aspect of the event, showcasing animal shelters and the animals in their care may be even more impactful. For 24 hours, animals
participating in the pawty have an advocate while the shelter increases its visibility throughout the community.

Exciting News!

As many of you may have heard, we are expanding our medical services here at MCHS! Our starting point will be a temporary office building (as seen in, the pictures below), but our goal in the end is to build a permanent facility on the property. We hopee to have the project up and running by Summer 2025. This will enable us to operate a low-cost spay and neuter clinic right here at MCHS!! We are very excited to offer aid to the community with a program that is very much needed!
We are in the process of customizing the interior to meet our needs. We are painting and reconfiguring the layout to better suit us. Once the weather gets warmer and dryer we will start with the exterior preparation, such as the concrete slab, plumbing, sewage and the addition of new fencing. As all of our plans continue to develop and progress moving forward, we will continue to send out and post updates of the construction as well as an exact grand opening date as the time gets closer.
With all that being said, this is not the end. This is just one step towards our greater goal. There are many more great things to come for us! We hope to make this, and all of our other amazing dreams become a reality with the help of our amazing donors!

Trap | Neuter | Return

Friendly reminder, we have a trap, neuter & release program!
For McCracken County residents we offer basic spays/neuters for the low cost of $35! What are the requirements you ask? Well, you must be a
McCracken County Resident & have a feral* cat colony of 2 or more.
If you’d like to learn more about our TNR program please contact usduring regular business hours!
*A feral cat is an unsocialized outdoor cat
Thinking about Adopting?
Hey everyone! Are you aware that we have been doing Doggy Day Out as well as Foster to Adopt?
We are trying to promote these programs to see if the animal is a good fit for your lifestyle and family. Our Doggy Day Out is simple: you see someone you like and want to get to know, then you take them out for a date. Have a trip to the dog park, take them for a pop cup, introduce them to your family, and whatever other fun things you can think of. This helps socialize our dogts and gets them fur-ever home ready. This also is a wonderful volunteer opportunity. On Doggy Day Outs, we ask that you come from 10:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m.
Our Foster to Adopt program is all the love with no strings attached. If you are on the fence about taking home a dog or not, then give this program a try. This is for the ones who are 99% certain but need that extra 1% to make that jump to give a lost animal a chance. It’s a short application process that provides you with more information on what to expect and allows you to take home your ideal fur baby for a week (preferably – exceptions can be made). A majority of our foster to adopts become full adoptions.
Interested? Give us a call for more information!
What To Do if You Find a Lost Animal

We get multiple calls and messages every day from concerned citizens who have found a lost pet and don’t know what to do with it. Please follow these steps if you find a pet running loose.
*Post a picture on social media to see if an owner comes forward. Do NOT share identifying information such as sex, collar color, distinguishing marks etc.
*Call area shelters to report the pet found
*Take it to a local vet or shelter to have it scanned for a microchip
If you are unable to provide shelter/care for the animal, it is best to leave it and call to report the location as most shelters are at/over capacity and taking it from the area may make it harder for an owner to find it.
Want to Know How You Can Help?

We are always in need of the following items:
- Dry Puppy Chow (no red dyes)
- Bleach
- Paper Towels
- PineSol (Original)
- Dog toys for agressive chewers
- Sheets
- Towels
- Blankets
- Clumping Cat Litter
- Dry Kitten Chow
- Cat Toys
Adoption Fees – What They Cover:
Our adoption fees typically range from $150-$200. We base this on breed or size of animal, length of stay at the shelter & age. We consistently lower adoption fees for adults & animals that have been with us for a longer amount of time. We understand that money can be tight & this could be a lot to spend up front for some people. Here is a list of what’s included when you adopt from our shelter.
- Spay or Neuter Distemper Vaccine (Dogs)
- Bordetella Vaccine (Dogs)
- FVRCP Vaccine (Cats)
- Rabies Vaccine Microchip Deworming
- Flea/Tick Prevention
- Feline Leukemia/FELV Test (Cats)
- Heartworm Test & Treatment if Necessary
- Food Costs
Make a Donation!

Numbers at a Glance
2024 Year to Date Animal Count (As of December 31, 2024)
Total Intake Cats & Dogs
Total Adopted
Total In House Currently
Transport to No-Kill Facilities
Reclaimed Dogs
TNR Spay/Neuters
Total Died at Shelter*
Total Euthanized*
* Due to illness or aggression