Pet Gazette Winter 2024 Newsletter
Pawsitive News you can use!!!
The cold weather has arrived, and the countdown for Spring has
definitely begun!!
In this Winter issue of the Pet Gazette you will find current &
upcoming events, our numbers at a glance, adoption education, and
winter pet care tips.
You will also find our 2023 Donors List. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
We COULD NOT do what we do without your support!!

Upcoming Events

February 10th –
PetSmart 10am – 4pm
March 9th –
PetSmart 10am – 4pm
March 18 – 24th –
April 6th-7th –
Shelter Slumber Party
April 13th –
PetSmart 10am – 4pm
April 27th –
May 11th –
Reading Night 6pm – 8pm
May 18th –
PetSmart 10am – 4pm
May 27th –
Memorial Day (CLOSED)
Join the Slumber Pawty!
How the Pawty Works: The Shelter Slumber Pawty is a collaborative fundraising
event that brings together animal welfare organizations to raise funds and awareness.
Each year, hundreds of animal lovers from across the globe spend ONE ENTIRE DAY living side-by-side with shelter animals. That’s right! Participants spend 24 hours eating,
sleeping, and “pawtying” with shelter pets! Participants share their experience on social media while asking for donations from friends and family.
While fundraising is an important aspect of the event, showcasing animal shelters and the animals in their care may be even more impactful. For 24 hours, animals participating in the pawty have an advocate while the shelter increases its visibility throughout the community

Help Keep Community Cats Safe this Winter

Provide shelter to keep cats warm and dry.
Give cats extra food and watercheck for frozen water.
Shovel out shelters after snow falls.
Be mindful of hazards like antifreeze, salt, and chemical melting products.
Before starting your car, check for cats under your hood and around tires
Trap | Neuter | Return

Did you know we have a trap, neuter & release program?
For McCracken County residents we offer basic spays/neuters for the low cost of $35! What are the requirements you ask? Well, you must be a
McCracken County Resident & have a feral* cat colony of 2 or more.
If you’d like to learn more about our TNR program please contact usduring regular business hours!
*A feral cat is an unsocialized outdoor cat
Thinking about Adopting?
- Here Are Some Things to Consider
- Do you have the proper space?
- Do you have the time?
- Is everyone in your family on board?
- How much can you afford to spend on a new pet?
- How much time do you & your family have to spend with the companion
animal? - How much money can be spent each month on food and other expenses?
- How much space is available for the animal to live?
- What pet is right for your household?
- Research different breeds & ask shelter staffers for guidance.
The 3-3-3 Rule of Adopting A Rescue

The 3-3-3 rule is a general guideline, every dog is unique & will adjust to their new home differently. Give youar dog space & allow them to go at their own pace.
Foster Highlight!

This issue’s foster highlight goes to Traci & Mary! Traci & Mary each began their fostering journey by being employees. That’s right: working and caring for animals all day was just not enough! They fell in love with taking kittens home to bottle feed and/or just give some extra time to grow big and strong!!
They have opened their home up to many cats and kittens while they await their journey to find their forever homes! Traci & Mary are both very active & love going the extra mile for their foster babies!
These kittens normally come in and need an extra boost or attention to thrive and they make that happen! They have the best setup in their home and around the clock attention! We are so thankful for the extra mile that is taken with our
animals. It really makes a huge difference in the health and well-being of our animals!
If you think you would enjoy fostering, please reach out to us!
What to Do if You Find A Lost Animal

We get multiple calls and messages every day from concerned citizens who have found a lost pet and don’t know what to do with it. Please follow these steps if you find a pet running loose.
*Post a picture on social media to see if an owner comes forward. Do NOT share
identifying information such as sex, collar color, distinguishing marks etc. ASK POTENTIAL OWNERS FOR INFO TO PROVE OWNERSHIP
*Call area shelters to report the pet found
*Take it to a local vet or shelter to have it scanned for a microchip
If you are unable to provide shelter/care for the animal, it is best to leave it and call to report the location as most shelters are at/over capacity and taking it from the area may make it harder for an owner to find it.
Adoption Fees – What They Cover:
Our adoption fees typically range from $150-$200. We base this on breed or size of animal, length of stay at the shelter & age. We consistently lower adoption fees for adults & animals that have been with us for a longer amount of time. We understand that money can be tight & this could be a lot to spend up front for some people. Here is a list of what’s included when you adopt from our shelter.
- Spay or Neuter Distemper Vaccine (Dogs)
- Bordetella Vaccine (Dogs)
- FVRCP Vaccine (Cats)
- Rabies Vaccine Microchip Deworming
- Flea/Tick Prevention
- Feline Leukemia/FELV Test (Cats)
- Heartworm Test & Treatment if Necessary
- Food Costs
A BIG THANK YOU to All of Our Wonderful 2023 Donors!!

Whether you donated supplies, food, toys, money, or treats…WE COULDN’T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!!! While we do our best to get everyone included in this list, if we missed you, we are deeply sorry! We appreciate you all!!!
Make a Donation!

Numbers at a Glance
2023 Year to Date Animal Count (As of December 31, 2023)
Total Intake Cats & Dogs
Total Adopted
Total In House Currently
Reclaimed Dogs
POD Cats
Total Died at Shelter*
Total Euthanized*
* Due to illness or aggression