Pet Gazette Fall 2023 Newsletter
Pawsitive News you can use!!!
The leaves are changing & so are we! We have decided to give our typical newsletter a little bit of a makeover. welcome to the first ever PetGazette issued by McCracken County Humane Society!
In this fall issue of the Pet Gazette we will talk about current & upcoming events, our numbers at a glance & adoption education.

Upcoming Events

November 18th – Reading Night – 5pm-7pm
November 23rd – CLOSED
November 24th – CLOSED
December 2nd – Christmas Parade
December 9th – PetSmart – 10am-4pm
December 16th – Reading with Santa – 5pm-7pm
December 25th – CLOSED
January 1st – CLOSED
January 13th – PetSmart – 10am-4pm
February 10th – PetSmart – 10am-4pm
We have been diligently working on community outreach. A big part in success for a no-kill facility is getting your name out into the public. This is important for adoptions and donations, both of which keep our facility up and running. A great way to do that is community events!
We most recently teamed up with McCracken County Library to offer reading nights! This is where the Brary Bus comes out to the facility and kids (or adults) are able to read to shelter animals.

Every Good Act Counts!

Thanks to the McCracken County High School Baseball team for their very generous donation of turf! Thanks to you, we were able to lay turf down in one of our large play-yards.
Turf is a cleaner option for play-yards. Animals are less likely to pick up any type of illness because staff is able to more efficiently disinfect the area. This means more outside time for all of our dogs, including puppies!
We would love to turf more areas around the facility! If you would like to donate towards this project please contact MCHS or scan the QR codes below.

Thinking about Adopting?
- Here Are Some Things to Consider
- Do you have the proper space?
- Do you have the time?
- Is everyone in your family on board?
- How much can you afford to spend on a new pet?\
- How much time do you & your family have to spend with the companion
animal? - How much money can be spent each month on food and other expenses?
- How much space is available for the animal to live?
- What pet is right for your household?
- Research different breeds & ask shelter staffers for guidance.
The 3-3-3 Rule of Adopting A Rescue

The 3-3-3 rule is a general guideline, every dog is unique & will adjust to their new home differently. Give youar dog space & allow them to go at their own pace.
Foster Highlight!

This issues’ foster highlight goes to Lauren & Robbie! Lauren & Robbie began volunteering at MCHS in July of 2023. What started as doggy day outs has now turned into a foster home for a shelter dog in need. They fell in love with Boudreaux & decided to open their home up to him while he awaits his forever! Lauren & Robbie are both very active & love going on hikes where they spend a lot of time with their foster pup!
Boudreaux as a very timid dog upon his arrival to the shelter back in April of 2023.
He was a stray brought in through Animal Control. Since being with his foster family, Boudreaux has flourished & is now more outgoing & adventurous. He is house trained & does well with basic commands. He walks very well on a leash & would benefit greatly from an active lifestyle. Boudreaux does well with most other animals.
If you think you are the person for our sweet Boudreaux, please reach out to us!
Why Our Kennels are Closed to the Public

We have been receiving a lot of questions about why we decided to close our kennels to the public. The reason for that is to reduce stress for our animals. The shelter is a stressful environment for most dogs & the more we can do to alleviate some of that stress the better chance the dogs have at finding forever homes.
Since we stopped letting the public walk through the kennels, we have had less dogs that need anxiety medication. We are also able to talk with potential adopters to get a feel for what dog would better suit their family needs & we are able to show them our suggestions.
Adoption Fees – What They Cover:
Our adoption fees typically range from $150-$200. We base this on breed or size of animal, length of stay at the shelter & age. We consistently lower adoption fees for adults & animals that have been with us for a longer amount of time. We understand that money can be tight & this could be a lot to spend up front for some people. Here is a list of what’s included when you adopt from our shelter.
- Spay or Neuter Distemper Vaccine (Dogs)
- Bordetella Vaccine (Dogs)
- FVRCP Vaccine (Cats)
- Rabies Vaccine Microchip Deworming
- Flea/Tick Prevention
- Feline Leukemia/FELV Test (Cats)
- Heartworm Test & Treatment if Necessary
- Food Costs
TNR Cat Program
Did you know we have a trap, neuter & release program? For McCracken County residents we offer basic spays/neuters for the low cost of $35! What are the requirements you ask? Well, you must be a McCracken County Resident & have a feral* cat colony of 2 or more.
If you’d like to learn more about our TNR program please contact us during regular business hours!
*A feral cat is an unsocialized outdoor cat
rior to bringing cats in. Surgeries are performed each Wednesday morning here at MCHS. Please call to find out more or to have your colony registered!
Numbers at a Glance
2023 Year to Date Animal Count (As of October 31, 2023)
Total Intake Cats & Dogs
Total Adopted
Total In House Currently
Reclaimed Dogs
POD Cats
Total Died at Shelter*
Total Euthanized*
* Due to illness or aggression